Saturday, October 24, 2009


In response to the post DARE below I'd like to draw your attention to the work of Sonja Baumel, an artist from Austria. In her own words...

"I explore the boundaries between fashion design,
art and science, to create multidisciplinary
works out of information generated from the
design field and laboratory research.

I want to create new clothes which are freed from
the information about social hierarchy and
material richness. The clothing shall tell a story
about us as human beings, about our present
perception, our fragility, our fears and pleasant

Baumel is fascinated by the human skin and the concept that it is the layer that separates our outside from our inside. However there is a second layer made up of billions of bacteria which she calls our second skin. She puts forward the idea that being able to understand or at least accept the existanse of this second membrane we achieve a better perception and understanding of self.

I think (in)Visible Membrane is a beautiful piece of work not only in concept but in its creative process and presentation. Strangely I found it quite comforting for two reasons. Physical protection and emotional protection. The physical second membrane and the projected concept of it. Science v. fiction.

An invisible layer we are barely aware of, fighting to physically protect us. Their whole life cycle is dedicated to protecting one large living thing, our body. Weather, temperature, injury, allergies, it helps us cope and combat all of these on a daily basis

The crochet flesh pink wool is a delicate and pulchritudinous metaphor for our invisible layer which Baumel says "we could use to create new clothes which would react to our individual body temperature. The texture would get less thick on areas where we need less warmth and would build up on cold body zones and create new body related silhouettes"

There is a depth and a discernment in her work which I find facinating.

Earlier work 'hang and deform.' Baumel using tools to 'deform' the shape of clothing when it is drying. Purpose made a coat hanger to alter shape. Blocks used to create texture and form.


Are any of you aware of Luxirare? It's a very well designed and slick blog. Luxirare is spilt categorically down the middle one half dedicated to fashion, the other to food. and We're not talking about any old Comme Des Garcons for H&M and Ben & Jerry's food and fashion. We're not even talking about blogger cliches like Rick Owens garms and really expensive french pastries that come in boxes. We are talking about food and fashion that costs as much as a mortgage, is as unattainable as being re-born into the royal family, has the preparation time of a full term pregnancy and requires a laboratory and a science degree rather than a kitchen and a cook book.

Luxirare herself seems lovely and is no doubt very, very talented, not to mention patient, going by her replies to her readers comments. However I find the whole thing a bit self-absorbed and narcissistic.

The fashion section is purely images of her in her white studio in garments that drag with them a hefty price tag like a ball and chain. So how the fuck does she have all these outfits at her disposal? Designer one offs, the most limited of limited edition rages, archived pieces, couture. Who is she?

I'm not jealous. No really I'm not. I feel very at ease spouting green envy like pasta boiling over on a stove. But on this occasion I am neither jealous or enamoured. I am in fact bored. Bored by someone reeling off countless labels adorned on their skinny frame and wanting me to be envious. Sorry love, I'm the type of gal that hopes one day I will shed the chains of poverty in able to shop from the 'finest' ranges in the supermarket without feeling enormous guilt. I have no ideas of grandeur.

A comment left by ANONYMOUS at 09/09/2009 11:27 am in response to the post 'Bento Box'. It reads:

You probably get that a lot, and you probably love it.

It's the "and you probably love it" bit that kinda backs up my point.

Image: Luxirare

I don't feel her fashion posts take on any great depth. They seem to belong to the barrage of images that sport a very cliched, yet accurate, style that was pionered by fashion bloggers. (Queen Michelle of fashion blog Kingdom of Style comments briefly on this in her post 'Reigned In') Nor do they seem to evoke any passion. All they say to me is "I enjoy being a clothes horse". In that case, trot on.


I've been posting a lot of pictures and videos rather than text recently. Bloggers usually favor one or other style for their own blogs. For example Knight Cat is mostly a photo blog, posting pictures of seductive editorials, crave worthy apparel and the odd celeb getting it so right. An online scrap book which ignites a drive to elevate, imitate or create our own devastatingly iconic style.

Style Bubble on the other hand has, over the years, carved out a throne which many of us, including myself, look up to. From this elevated height she has a broad view of the online, and offline, fashion kingdom. Susie Bubble's insightful and intelligent blog entries often guides our attention not to the well tread catwalks but instead towards the blossoming new designers from all over the planet. She writes sentimentally and endearingly about boutiques I never knew could exist. As well as bogging from all over the world; London, Copenhagen, New York, Belgium, Antwerp, Paris and every so often the sea side. Her blog has become more of an archive to me. Like the reference section of a library, reputable, of substance and to be looked after.

In my case however, I sway between the two blogging styles. Lashings of paragraphs peeter out into building block columns of photographs and images. This is because I often feel my words give no merit or meaning to anything worth while. I sometimes think that anyone reading my entries will have found it a waste of their time and this is when my posts become pictures.

The photo posts are quick ways to express ideas, thoughts, views in my head. This does not always work in my favour as I have no idea how to change the html layout of my blog and there fore the far right of some images are cut off, sorry about this. I'm sure the left of the pictures still translate what I was trying to convey in the first place. But with no text what do they say? Do they communicate what they mean to me? Probably not.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Seizure. An installation in Elephant and Castle by Roger Hiorns. Nominated for the Turner Prize 2009. Comissioned by Artangel and the Jerwood Collective.

Threatening and enchanting. These beautiful blue crystals wink and twinkle with every movement of your gaze. Light glints off their razor sharp edges reminding you not to get too close. One stumble and you could be lacerated, but how pretty the warm, seeping, shiny red would be in contrast to these cold blue crystals.

P E T E R . R A B B I T

Peter Jensen glasses by Tatty Devine


Monday, October 12, 2009


I'm trying to find pictures of me as a kid when I bleached my hair and dyed it fuchsia pink. Anyone have any photos? Oh haud up. I spoke to soon... Facebook coughed up this one. Ex's eh? At least they're good for something.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

G U E R I L L A . F A SH I O N




Louise Amstrup
Belle Suvage
Kristoph Strovska

S I Z E . S T A R L E T

These are the measurments for the ideal female on-screen starlet for the 20's and 30's. Do you meausre up?

Height: 5,4"
Neck: 12.5"
Chest: 37"
Arm: 18"
Waist: 27"
Wrist: 5.5"
Hip: 38"
Thigh: 21"
Calf: 14"
Ankle: 8"

Monday, October 5, 2009